Two Choices

Two Choices, General
Two Choices
This monoprint piece began with a photo I took in Guanajuato, Mexico. It also incorporates an image of another interior into a fantasy portal. The color is added by painting inks onto a third plate and applying over the first two images.

General    22 x 30   

Art Medium(s)
Monoprint using ImageOn plates, Akua inks, various chine colle, multiple drops and some graphite.
framed dimensions, if different
26 x 34 x 1.5
About The Artist
I am a painter and printmaker living in West Marin. My earliest memories are of making art. I studied drawing, painting and printmaking at Cal-State Fullerton. After graduating I worked as a cartographer and scientific illustrator, returning to academia to earn an M.F.A. at Claremont (CGS). My work has been shown in various exhibits in the USA (including the Smithsonian), in Italy, France and recently Japan.
Artist's Statement
I like working in layers, and find printmaking especially conducive to my creative process. This monoprint “Two Choices” began with a photograph I took in Guanajuato, Mexico. I used a photo etching technique to create plates, then printed and combined them in various ways. The colors are added by painting inks onto a third and fourth plate. The result is a unique image that has been through the press multiple times.