SF Space

SF Space , General
SF Space
High resolution satellite image of SF from space (including SalesForce tower) that was modified using Photoshop and then adhered on a retired, re-purposed surf board. Surfboard is also back lit with LED lights and powered by a rechargeable hidden battery. No wires or plug in necessary. Fun, original piece from a series described on my website called Free Ride.

General    69 x 19 x 2    $2,500.00   

Art Medium(s)
Printed film hot glued on to old surfboard.
About The Artist
Tom Miller is an artist and business advisor. He has started and operated service businesses and advising large company CEO’s and their leadership teams on issues of strategy, organization design, leadership, and culture. Since 2015 he has been painting abstract work on surfaces including large wood panels and surfboards. He enjoys moving between worlds.