The Bridge and Cavallo Point

The Bridge and Cavallo Point, General
The Bridge and Cavallo Point
Oil painting. I love the drama of the bridge and the lighthouse sweeping down to Cavallo Point.

General    22 x 60 x 2    $6,500.00   

Art Medium(s)
Oil on canvas
About The Artist
Born in New York in 1942, Jim Caldwell has spent most of his life in the San Francisco Bay Area. He graduated from Williams College in 1964 as an Art Major. He spent the next year in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. In 1969 he received his Master of Architecture Degree from the Yale School of Architecture. Jim is an architect, artist, teacher, lecturer and art historian.
Artist's Statement
With my paintings I am trying to capture a moment in time, went the light and the shadows and the clouds are just so. As Georgia O’Keefe said, “I have made you take the time to look at what I saw”. My subjects are often serendipitous; I never know when I will see a scene which inspires me. I take lots of photos and a few make it to my canvas.