Buildings and Streets

Buildings and Streets, General
Buildings and Streets
I did a lot of in-place murals like this at the various places I lived in college. This a throw-back to those times and the first of a series I'm developing.

General    48 x 30 x 1.5    $3,500.00   

Art Medium(s)
Oil on canvas
About The Artist
As a designer and Landscape Architect, I have the good fortune of being able to draw for a living - to put what’s in my head into some kind of legible form. Landscapes have an obvious pull, but exploring the interaction of form, light and imagination is what interests me most. I’ve enjoyed experimenting with different media. Oil on canvas has allowed me to develop larger, more expressive images.
Artist's Statement
“Buildings and Streets” This is a recurring theme in some of my work: impossible viaducts, conflicting fields of view, goofy juxtapositions and distorted horizons somehow rooted in the composition. I typically start with a small watercolor study and develop larger iterations of the original study, however, this one kind of spilled out.